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Bonjours a tous ,
Voilà comme l'indique le titre j'ai un gros ventre mais je suis maigre . Pour commencer j'ai fait un régimes il y a 5 mois déjà car je voulais perdre de la graisse sur mon ventre mais aussi sur mes pectoraux car on dirait que j'avais des seins :| donc j'ai entamé un régime ( j'ai réduit mes repas et je ne grignotais plus) et je faisais 5 fois de la course a pied par semaines pendant un mois et au bout de ses 1mois j'ai perdu 10kg j'étais content mais le problème c'est que j'ai trop perdu des bras , des jambes sur l'ensemble du corps mais SAUF sur le ventre ça ne veut pas partir donc j'ai commencé à faire des abdos il y a un mois et mes abdos je les vois et je les sens un peut que quand je contracte sinon mon ventre est mou . ET j'aimerais reprendre des bras et des jambes 'fin sur l'ensemble du corps parce-que je suis trop maigre mais j'ai peur de reprendre de la graisse et surtout sur le ventre vu que déjà il a encore une couche de graisse donc j'aimerais avoir des conseils car je ne sais plus quoi faire la :roll: 

PS : je n'ai pas accès a une salle de muscul , j'ai 17ans dans 18j (lol) , et je vis sur l'île de la Réunion et ici on ne mange pas trop équilibrer mais que des plats assez copieux et je n'ai pas d'argent de poche pour acheter mes aliments style pâte complète , fruit et légume :| :|

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Salut, tu n as pas accès à une salle de musculation, et alors ?!!

Rien ne t empêches de faire de la musculation au poids du corps.


Arrêtes de courir autant, manges correctement et fais de la musculation avec du fractionné à la fin des séances.


Sur le site tu peux trouver des programmes très bien pour toi sans matériel ou très peu.

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Tu dois travailler tout le corps, c est très important, la perte de graisse localiser ça n existe pas, donc pas la peine de martyriser tes pecs et tes abdos, trouve un programme simple, full body 3x par semaine, soit rigoureux sur ta diète et soit patient, les résultats arriveront...

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La diète, tu dois faire attention à ça, c'est primordial. Pour la muscu au poids de corps :


Avec un petit changement au début quand même, vises 8-12 reps plutôt que 4-8 comme il dit. Pourquoi ? Parce que 4-8 reps, c'est trop "lourd" au début. Au début, l'important est de bien apprendre et sentir les mouvements et quand c'est trop "lourd", on a tendance à bâcler et à compenser pour arriver à faire le mouvement. Bref on fait n'importe quoi :)



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Pour les glucides il faut privilégier les aliments complets/semi complets genre riz complets, pain complet, au céréales etc.. Tu as les flocons d avoine, les fruits etc...

Pour les protéines oeuf, viandes blanche, rouge de temps en temps, poisson...

Pour les lipides, à ne pas négliger ils sont très importants tu as les poissons gras, avocats, toutes sortes de noix. Huile de noix, de pépins de raisins etc..le chocolat noir à partir de 70% de préférence.


Après c est à toi de calculer tes besoins journaliers et de jouer sur les glucides pour perdre ou gagner du poids.


Tu as des exemples de menus sur le site. Inspires t en en modifies en fonction de tes goûts et besoin.

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    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
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