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Coach personnel ?

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Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir s'il y a ici des coach sportif personnel pour que je puisse m'entretenir et organiser un planning alimentaire et sportif sur mesure, je ne connais vraiment pas grand-chose sur la prise de masse et je recherche un coach spécialisé en prise de masse pour quelques années.

Je peux payer par virement bancaire ou chèque.

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Tu comptes t'inscrire dans une salle? 

Généralement tu peux avoir un coach dans ta salle.

Ça ne sera peut-être pas un bodybuilder mais quelqu'un qui a quand même des diplômes sportif et pourra te conseiller sur ton programme et te corriger, sur ton alimentation, et suivre l'évolution de ta prise de masse.

Peut-etre plus pratique qu'un coach à distance...

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Je pense débuté chez moi en poids de corps, puis m'acheter directement des machines et altères pour chez moi.
Je propose en distance car j'imagine que c'est plus simple pour la personne puis en tant que "débutant" il ne faut pas un suivis extrêmement pousser. J'ai une expérience militaire donc pour les mouvements de base j'ai ce qu'il faut, mais pour le reste... ;)

Je vais déjà m'informer le plus possible avec le forum.

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Pour commencer chez toi je te conseil 1 de ces 2 racks

Et tu complètes par des sangles type TRX (20€ chez Decath).

Ça c'est pour la partie poids de corps.

Pense à jeter un oeil sur leboncoin.

Tu trouveras plein de fonte carrément moins cher qu'en magasin, et pareil pour les machines.

On n'est pas coach sur le forum, mais on peut déjà bien t'aider pour commencer un programme.

Renseigne toi sur les méthodes d'entraînements que tu souhaites faire et combien de seance par semaine, et on pourra t'aiguiller au mieux



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tu as de très bonnes info et conseils sur le site, il suffit de fouiller un peu.

je ne suis pas contre le coaching, a distance ou pas, mais personne ne te connais mieux que toi, l'avantage de faire seul sera de comprendre de ce que tu fais, le pourquoi du comment, et ainsi de pouvoir adapter les règles a ta personnalité.

ce qui marche sur l'un, ne marche pas forcément sur l'autre, des petits réglages sont parfois nécessaires. 

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    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
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