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j ai 35 ans 1m80 et 102-103 kg du gras bien comme il faut mais aussi un bon gabarit de départ 

j ai débute la musculation en septembre 

4-5 entraînements/ semaine , du  hiit quand le planning le permet 

j bosse en horaires décalés , un peu de déplacement, une vie de famille bien remplie ....mais on y arrive !!!


pour l instant j ai testé un peu tout , pour découvrir , m habituer , faire propre 

j ai découpé le tout en 3 séances de 8-9 exos 

pourquoi ? Ben oui , j ai lu l intérêt du full body mais .....j aime trop m entraîner 


maintenant que j ai pris un peu de muscles ( Ç est relatif , évidemment) j voudrais me monter un programme 

5 entraînements en push pull legs 


j avais comme idée 


1/ développé couché 5x10

 développe assis haltères 5x10

developpe incliné 5x10 

 extension triceps poulie haute avec corde 


2/ diverging latéral pulldown ( la machine a tirage verticale , quoi ...) 5x10

tirage horizontal poulie basse prise triangle  5x10 ( j adore la sensation)

tirage menton prise " pas serrée " 5x10

curl biceps pupitre barre EZ 5x10 


3/ bas du corps 

je suis à l écoute de vos avis 

mais pas de cage à squatte dispo .....

je voudrais conserver au moins une extension mollets debout 


voila !!

mon planning vous semble t il intéressant ? Cohérent pour 4 à 5 séances / semaines ?

des choses à changer ?


j augmenté les reps  jusqu'à assurer 5x10 reps propre puis j augmente la charge , afin de concilier volume et force .

ca vous semble correct ?


merci à vous 

à bientot 




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Bienvenue sur EM Ugy :thumbup2:

Ton planning me semble cohérent en 4 séance/semaine

Les mollets debout (Mollets JT) tu peux le faire à la presse à cuisses si tu en disposes , n'oublies pas de faire les mollets assis également (une barre avec une protection 'serviette enroulée' chargée sur les genoux et une cale sous les orteils  par exemple )

On verra par la suite si tu prends le temps d'ouvrir un carnet d'entrainement ;)

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Oui j ai un carnet d entraînement et je fais un graphique de progression pour chaque exercice .

j espère multiplier par 1,5 mon volume d entraînement en 12 mois pour chaque exercice ( donc ~ x1,5 les charges ) 


les mollets assis , oui j ai essayé,  je surélève la pointe du pied avec une cale et j pose 1 haltère de 35kg sur le bout de chaque genou 

ça chauffe bien y compris le côté


quel exercice permettrait de faire ischios + fessiers ?

des fentes ?

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Il y a 3 heures, Ugy a dit :

quel exercice permettrait de faire ischios + fessiers ?

des fentes ?


Pour les fessiers :

  • Le Hip Trust
  • Le SDT en contractant bien les fessiers, tu as des Exos sur le site
  • Les fentes, avec haltères par exemple

Regarde en haut de page sous 'Le site Espace musculation' rubrique  Exercices

Tu as plein de démos ;)

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    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
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