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Les différents travaux musculaires

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voici un petit post qui j'espère aidera le plus grand nombre pour varier les stimulus de vos entraînements et ainsi sortir de la stagnation, augmenter votre progression et prendre plus de muscles, n'hésitez pas à rajouter des infos :) 

Le travail concentrique : c'est le résultat d'une poussée, d'un tirage, d'une traction, d'un soulevé. Exemple : lorsque l'on pousse la barre au développé couché c'est un travail concentrique. Pendant ce travail nos muscles vont aller à l'encontre de la force de la pesanteur du corps et/ou d'un poids. C'est la base de la musculation.

Le travail excentrique : il correspond au retour de la charge qui revient à sa position initiale sous l'effet de la force de pesanteur. Pendant cet partie du mouvement, les muscles travaillent pour freiner la charge. Sans ce travail de freinage, la barre du développé couché tomberait tout simplement sur vous. Le travail excentrique est très important car les muscles sont plus fort pour freiner la charge que pour la pousser. Un article du site en parle c'est celui sur les répétitions négatives.

Le travail statique: il correspond au maintien d'une articulation à un angle donné. Exemple : exercice de la chaise contre un mur, le dos est en appui contre un mur ou un autre support et les jambes sont pliées à 90°. Ce travail permet de solliciter la force du quadriceps à cette angle bien précis. 

Le travail stato-dynamique : il consiste à passer une phase statique à une phase dynamique (excentrique ou concentrique) ou vice versa. Exemple : faire une traction et s'arrêter au milieu du mouvement plus ou moins longtemps puis on finit le mouvement de la traction. 

Le travail pléiométrique ou pliométrique : c'est la succession d'une contraction concentrique et d'une contraction excentrique ou vice versa d'une manière explosive et rapide. Un exemple d'exercice pliométrique : les pompes sautées, le squat sauté, etc...

Différente combinaison sont possible, par exemple (merci @gronounours70)
Les série pletnev : 10 secondes de contraction isométrique (S=statique)
5 répétitions pliométriques (CP 5) avec une phase négative de 10 secondes (E=Excentrique) et pour finir 5 répétitions en contration "normales" (C=contraction)
on peux moduler les temps des phases et le nombres de contractions

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J'ai vue qu'il n'y avait aucune réponse à ta question, je vais donc t'aider !

Au vue du type de travail, on est clairement sur un système plutôt lourd. on ne dépasse pas les 5 reps consécutive, et on doit faire une phase excentrique de 10 sec... Clairement une charge plutôt lourde, sinon, aucun intérêt !!

Ici on voit bien que l'on cherche à bosser une force utile, la phase d'isométrie (Muscle stabilisateur ?), puis de la pliométrie sur 5 reps, une phase négative extrêmement longue suite à une série de répétition lourde, et 5 normale, on est clairement dans le : "Fait le vite mais bien prendre sont temps !"

En claire, j'associerai ça au judo, jujitsu brésilien, Sprint et tout ces sports où l'on a besoin de force, et d'un bon équilibre avec les muscle stabilisateur de champion, et une bonne explosivité ! :thumbup2:

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    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
    • Long Distance Spell Caster, Black Magic Witchcraft and Sorcerer, Psychic Herbalist Healer and Voodoo Revenge Priest Call ☎ +27765274256   I'm Sheikh Hussein a psychic healer, traditional herbalist, and spell caster. I use psychic powers to fight demons and supervillains. I have the powers to tackle your most pressing problems, be it physical or spiritual.   Black Magic Protection and Black Magic Removal - How To Protect Your Self From Witchcraft Call/Text ☎ +27765274256   Nowadays, people are jealous from one another and they cannot see anyone prosperous in their lives. They used to complain about the things other have and try to use every mean to create problems and issues in others’ lives. Often, they use black magic to destroy and eliminate happiness. They do every effort to destroy the peace of others in order to take their revenge. Now, black magic is a hidden attack and it is not easy to detect it. So, people use powerful black magic rituals to let the victims feel negative, frustrated and greedy, no matter where they are living. The worst part of black magic is that the victims are unaware of the reasons as well as the person who has done it   Black Magic Africa +27765274256 Black Magic Expert Black Magic in United States +27765274256 Black Magic Protection Black Magic Protection +27765274256 Black Magic Removal in Canada +27765274256 Black Magic Sorcery and Witchcraft Black Magic Specialist Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Priest +27765274256 Black Magic Witchcraft   Contact Sheikh Hussein Call now for more information Mobile: ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: Visit:
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